
All of the recent studies on the health of Lake Memphremagog point to phosphorus as the principal cause of the accelerated eutrophication of the lake. It encourages the growth of vegetation and and feeds the cyanobacteria that have plagued the lake in recent years. The sources of phosphorus are numerous and can be found throughout the territory. We must rethink the way we use the land and how we carry out our domestic, farming, forestry and urban activites if we have any hope of reducing the astronomical quantities of phosphorus that we dump into the lake's watershed each year. To learn more....

Documentation on phosphorus: 

Report on phosphorus modeling (in French only)

Study on modeling phosphorus transport within the Lake Memphremagog watershed carried out by the Memphremagog MRC.

Report on phosphorus modeling - Appendix 1 - soil use (in French only)

Appendix 1 on the use of soil from the study on modeling phosphorus transport within the Lake Memphremagog watershed carried out by the Memphremagog MRC

Appendix 3 - phosphorus modeling - slopes (in French only)

Appendix 3 - slopes from the study on modeling phosphorus transport within the Lake Memphremagog watershed carried out by the Memphremagog MRC.

Phosphorus reduction objectives (in French only)

Presentation given by François Bélanger, ing., M. Ing. Env., in 2008 on MCI's proposals to reach phosphorus reduction targets.

Water quality - phosphorus (in French only)

Presentation on Lake Memphremagog's water quality by François Bélanger at the 2012 MCI annual general meeting.